Self Managed Super Funds

It has often been said that superannuation is the great Australian success story.

While we may take it for granted, in many cases, superannuation is the second largest asset anyone may own (after their home).

Many Australians will rely on their super to support them in their retirement years.
So, it pays to make sure this incredible asset of yours is properly looked after.

If you are over 50 years of age with a reasonable amount in your super, e.g. over $300,000, then having a self-managed super fund may be the ideal solution to get the most from your asset and make sure you have enough money in your retirement.


What's the advantage of SMSF?

Quite simply, you get to have a say in where you want your hard-earned money to be invested, and how you draw down on that money as you transition from work into retirement.

For many people, handing over control of their investments to someone else may not be the most productive use of their funds.

This is where working with an SMSF expert gives you the flexibility and empowerment to control where your money is invested.

Can you set up and manage your own fund?

Yes, you can.  However, if setting up and running your super fund is not your skill set, then why risk it?

Just as you would seek professional medical advice for your health, the same is true for your superannuation.

Some of the challenges in doing it yourself include;

  • Knowing where to invest for not only a great return, yet also safety and security
  • Knowing how to invest your funds
  • Compliance and administration - the regulatory demands are very high with SMSFs

Why consider a Self-Managed Super Fund?

As mentioned earlier, control and certainty are the biggest advantages of having an SMSF.

You get to have a say in how and where your funds are invested.  And when working with a qualified and experienced team, you won't have to deal with the headaches of compliance.

With an SMSF, you also have a clearer picture as to how much money you will have at retirement again, clarity for your financial future.

Rhodes Docherty has an expert team dedicated to Self Managed Super Funds, contact us today.


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